"Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished."
- Lao Tse
"Most people need consistency more than they need intensity.
-run a marathon
-write a book in 30 days
-silent meditation retreat
-don't miss a workout for 2 years
-write every week
-daily silence
Intensity makes a good story.
Consistency makes progress."
- James Clear
---"Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure."
- Confucius
" The secret to winning is learning how to lose. That is, learning to bounce back from failure and disappointment—undeterred—and continuing to steadily march toward your potential. Your response to failure determines your capacity for success."
- James Clear
" Do the most important thing first each day and you'll never have an unproductive day."
- James Clear
"When you have solved the problem of controlling the attention of the child, you have solved the entire problem of its education."
- Maria Montessori