"Make yourself sheep and the wolves will eat you."
—Benjamin Franklin
"Die Freiheit des Menschen liegt nicht darin, dass er tun kann, was er will, sondern, dass er nicht tun muss, was er nicht will."
J.-J. Rousseau
"Wir haben zwei Leben, und das zweite beginnt, wenn wir merken, dass wir nur ein Leben haben."
"Time is the scarcest resource and unless it is managed nothing else can be managed."
- Peter Drucker
„Das Morgen braucht weder Euphorie noch düstere Vision, sondern Ermöglicher mit Sachverstand." (Wolf Lotter)
"Know what you want.
Follow a trajectory where what you want is a possible outcome.
Build a system to incrementally improve your ability to follow that trajectory.
Trust yourself.
Enjoy the outcomes.
- James Clear
"One of the only true shortcuts in life is finding an expert and apprenticing under them."
- James Clear
---"There are two forms of mental toughness: loud and quiet.
Loud = Grit in extreme moments, pushing through great challenges.
Quiet = Reliability in normal moments, showing up even when it’s easy to bail. Loud gets the press.
Quiet wins the trophies."
- James Clear
"A quick and easy tip for building habits that last: Pick a standard time and place to do it. It’s easier to wake up knowing “I exercise at 4pm” than to decide each time when to fit a habit into your day. If it’s already decided, all you need to do is show up."
- James Clear
"Not being busy is a competitive advantage. Most people are so strapped for time they can't take advantage of lucky opportunities or quickly resolve unexpected problems. The ideal combination is proactive and flexible. Protect your free time, but maintain a bias toward action."
- James Clear
"Der niederträchtigste aller Schurken ist der Heuchler, der dafür sorgt, dass er in dem Augenblick, wo er sich am fiesesten benimmt, am tugendhaftesten auftritt."
– Marcus Tullius Cicero
"Knowledge is like knowing the names of all the streets in a city. Wisdom is knowing how to get from one place to another."
- John Holt
---"Be a gentle spirit with most, but stand firm whenever necessary. Don’t take yourself so seriously most days, but turn into a straight killer when the game begins."
- James Clear
"How to find your ideal life in 3 steps: Step 1: Be curious. Try new things. Explore widely.
Step 2: Review what you did in Step 1. Do less of what makes you feel exhausted. Do more of what makes you feel energized.
Step 3: Repeat as desired."
- James Clear
"Das Unmögliche ist leichter als das Schwierige, denn an das Unmögliche sind keine Erwartungen geknüpft."
- Daniel Barenboim
"The teacher learns more than the student. The author learns more than the reader. The speaker learns more than the attendee. The way to learn is by doing."
- James Clear
"The more you move, the easier it is to keep moving. Maintain the momentum."
- James Clear
"Whenever you are stuck searching for the optimal plan, remember: Getting started changes everything."
- James Clear